Monday, September 6, 2010

Session 2 Update

After reading the outline and chapters about Historical Views, Definitions and Measures of Poverty. Throughout the readings I was able to reanswer or update the following questions from my initial postings:

*Who do you think is poor?
*Why do you believe people are poor?
*How well do you think poverty is currently being addressed in the U.S.?

Who do you think is poor?

According to Websters dictionary, poverty is having little or no money and depending on charity for financial needs and shelter. Poor is also lack of material wants. Poor people are people whose income is not enough to meet minimal needs for survival. The 1904 book Poverty determined that 10 million of the American population are poor mostly being those of the African American culture. Different people have their various opinions on who is poor based upon their religious beliefs, their location and standard way of living. My opinion from my original posting has generally stayed the same as my opinion of what poverty is, is generally the true definition of poor.

Why do you believe people are poor?

Individuals become poor when their income falls below a certain range bracket. Many people are poor because of the the economy and social conditions of the world and also their own reasons. It is said that African Americans are more poor than others due to slavery, racial concerns and low morals and lack of education. I personally do not agree with this statement. I believe today Caucasians, Hispanics and other cultures are just as poor as African Americans due to the economy and insecure jobs. The standard of living are in increasing everyday causing people to be left behind leading to poverty. Nationally, immigration is known to be a large factor in poverty. This is because immigrants income tend to be less than native income making the poverty rate increase.

How well do you think poverty is currently being addressed?

In New York City Micheal R. Bloomberg is frustrated by the way government determine who is poor. Therefore he wants to develop a new program that will include families, rent, utilities and child care in addition other financial assistance that a family may also be receiving. Hoping this new tactic will motivate other cities to follow. Which means more federal programs for the poor will be generated based upon the outcome of the poverty rate.


djw said...

hardly not at all, there are tv minister that are trying to support proverty in other countries,, Even big executives are in poverty now, If you loose yoour home become unemployed you want qualify for a apartment because your income is not 3X times the rent or you have a bankruptcy or forclosure,,If you don't have family members are friends local where do you go beside a shelter or sleep under bridge..many homeless people die in the winter due to hyperthermal..goverment to busy fighting instead of helping...

pop said...

i believe that the reason why poverty exist, has many explanations. i do believe many government programs are set up to provide assistance to lower level families, but it all up to those individuals to strive to do better and not rely completely on that assistance.