Sunday, September 26, 2010

What do you personally think should be done about poverty in the Unites States and Globally?

After reading about Globalization. I believe that our nations should allow globalization to occur to reduce the rat of poverty. Globalization increases the international trade and foreign investments and spread of technology throughout the world. The number one reason countries are in poverty is mainly because of lack of income and resources. If the world was to globalize, the industrial field would extend production of goods to forgein countries which will then lead to creating more jobs within the production field and marketing field. Globalization could also improve health care for those countries that do not have the technology or ability to treat certain diseases. Countries could have more medical trade and knowledge that allows for more people to help the poor.I never understood why countries were always going to war, when each country has something unique to offer one another that could better their country as a whole. I believe is all of our countries got together and globalized yes povert would still exist ( i believe poverty is always going to exists). But it would definetly decrease the rate of poverty by at least half. It would give individuals in extremely poor countries opportunities they never had.

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