Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Session 14: Immigration

Immigration ( illegal immigrants) take jobs away from legal immigrants and other low income americans. It also drive down working wages. Thus making this a major problem with poverty. According to the Census Bureau illegal immigrants in the U.S. grew by 24% from 8.5 million in 2000 to 10.5 million in 2005. Currently California has the highest number of illegal immigrants their ratw grew from 2.5 million in 2005 to 2.8 million in 2005.

 The problem illegal immigrants are having is the cost of providing health care and public eduation to illegal immigrants is offset by the income and social security taxes paid by illegal immigrants who are not eligible for public assistance or social security.

The Immigration Act of 1990 increased the level of employment based immigration and allor a higher proportion of visas to highly skilled immigrants. But The 1996 Welfare Reform Act disentitled most legal immigrants from food stamps, welfare and SSI and gave the states the option to deny Medicaid benefits.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1996 doubled the size of border control and imposed on employers hiring illegal immigrants. In the past years there have been several Congressional proposals that would grant temporary legal status to illegal immigrants desirng to work in the U.S.

After 9-11 Immigration regulations and enforcements have become more strict. They are deporting thousands of people and students cannot enter the United States until they have been accepted to the school they plan to attend.
What do I think?
I think illegal immigrant should be sezied because they are taking work away from those in the United States who are unable to find work or are under paid. Instead the Congress are giving temporary legal status to those illegal immigrants who wish to work. But yet they are dening legal immigrants who help build ou country medicad and social security benifits. Our country really need to get it together.

1 comment:

Tristan Ricketts said...

Although illegal immigration is just as bad for our economy as shipping jobs overseas. A way that I would mitigate this would be to either raise education level for job placement opportunities or have a military program that requires 70 percent of illegal immigrants to join the US selective service that can provide stationary locations for immigrants instead of US soldiers around the world in exchange for citizenship opportunities.